If you’ve been putting off dental work because of timing or just being busy, now is the perfect moment to schedule your appointment. Use it or lose it! Yes, the holidays are hectic. But many dental plans are on a yearly schedule, with benefits running out on December 31. If you have dental benefits, you don’t want to waste them!
Here are the top five reasons to schedule your dental visit now.
The kids are out of school. With a December break looming, you’ll have time to bring the kids in for a dental cleaning without trying to get a coveted after school spot. Plus, no basketball practice or gymnastics to interfere. Just break-time. In addition to doing something good for their mouths, it’s an excuse to get them out of bed and dressed for the day. While cleaning their teeth, the dental staff will also check them for cavities, oral cancer, gum and orthodontic issues.
You’re on vacation. Many offices give employees time off around the holidays, or people take vacation days to spend with the family. Plan a dental visit while you’re not working, so you can care for your teeth before the end of the year, and check that item off the “to do” list.
You’ll feel good. Once you schedule the appointment, you’ll know you’re doing something good for your health, and will be glad to have finally made that appointment. Plus, running your tongue over super clean teeth feels fantastic. And you get a goody bag stocked with new dental health items. You’ll be humming as you walk out of the dental office!
You have insurance. Use your dental benefits before they run out for the year. Maybe you’re due for your second dental cleaning. Or maybe you have other dental issues to take care of, and you’ve already met your deductible. That is the perfect time to get dental work done, since it will cost you less. Klement Family Dental will help you make the most of your dental benefits.
Convenient hours. With the kids out of school, and possibly you on vacation, you have more time slots to choose from. Klement Family Dental prides itself on having convenient hours for our patients, so you can also come in before or after work, or during lunch time. We’re open 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Mondays through Thursdays, and until 6 p.m. on Fridays. Or pick a Saturday visit, when we’re available 8 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Use it or lose it, when it comes to dental benefits. The end of the year is a good time to squeeze in the appointments you’ve been wanting to make. Call us now to schedule that dental appointment time.