1. Do not rinse mouth 24 hours. Tomorrow, gently rinse mouth every 3-4 hours, especially after meals, using ¼ teaspoon salt in a glass of warm water. Continue rinses for several days
2. Do not eat anything hot today. Do not eat anything that you would need to chew a lot.
3. Following extractions, some bleeding is to be expected. If persistent bleeding, place a gauze pad over bleeding area and bite down firmly for ½ hour. Repeat if necessary. If gauze is not available, use a teabag
4. To prevent swelling, apply an ice bag to the area operated on, ½ hour on and ½ hour off for 4-6 hours.
5. For mild to average pain, use aspirin-type medication. Be sure to fill all prescriptions and take them as directed. If you have any adverse reactions, discontinue the medications and call our office.
6. Avoid the following for the first 24 hours: smoking, drinking through a straw and carbonated beverages.
7. Avoid strenuous exercise or vigorous work.
8. If surgery was located in upper arch, do not clear your sinuses.
9. If any unusual symptoms occur, please don’t hesitate to call the office.