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Wisdom Teeth Removal: Don’t Wait Until it’s Too Late

Most people will need to have their wisdom teeth extracted. Nearly 90 percent of people simply don’t have space in their mouths for these teeth, so they must be removed by an oral surgeon.

At Klement Family Dental, we have the experience and equipment to safely remove wisdom teeth. Many times, your general dentist or orthodontist will recommend your wisdom teeth be extracted. We’re happy to accept their referrals and work with you and your dentist to create a plan for wisdom teeth removal.

However, many patients don’t know that it’s easiest to remove wisdom teeth before the roots completely form. For most people, that’s between the ages of 13 and 18, well before many general dentists refer patients to us. Removing the teeth before the roots are formed helps prevent impaction, which can result in complications.

We can help you determine the ideal time to remove you or your child’s wisdom teeth. Using digital x-rays and CT scans, we will then assess the status of your wisdom teeth’s development and accurately advise you about the proper timing of the procedure.

Why Do Wisdom Teeth Need to Be Removed?


Many people experience pain associated with their wisdom teeth. Since these teeth are difficult to clean, food and bacteria can collect under the gum line. This can cause infection in the gums or decay in the wisdom teeth themselves.


If you don’t have room for your wisdom teeth, they will become impacted or blocked from erupting into your mouth. Since the teeth are still encased in the gum tissue or bone, they can often be quite difficult to remove. That’s why an oral surgeon’s specialized skills are usually required when wisdom teeth are impacted.

Cysts and Tumors

All teeth develop in a sack inside the jaw. Once the tooth breaks through the gum. the fluid-filled sack disappears. However, an impacted wisdom tooth sack continues to grow which can lead to bone damage or even a jaw fracture. Additionally, tumors and even some cancers can develop around impacted teeth. That’s why it’s extremely important to identify and treat impacted wisdom teeth early.

How Are Wisdom Teeth Removed?

You’ll receive IV anesthesia and be completely asleep during the procedure. We’ll also use a local anesthetic inside your mouth, so you’ll be comfortable after you wake. The surgeon will make a small incision in your gum and remove each wisdom tooth in pieces. You’ll have a couple of stitches in your gums which will fall out on their own a few days after surgery.

To help you feel comfortable about the procedure, we’ll answer your questions and address your concerns during a pre-surgical consultation. Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you have questions about wisdom teeth removal.